Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Map

Today the kids & I went on a little shopping trip.  Nothing major, just trying to find some shoes that will actually fit the kids for the fall.  Before we got to the store, Emily started complaining that she had left her "map" at home.  "How will we know where we're going?" she asked.  I played along.  "I don't know!  I hope we can find our way!"  Then she cried, "Wait a minute, I have a map in my purse!"  "Great!" I said, and didn't think anymore about it.  
When we got in the store, she enthusiastically began telling me which direction to go, looking at her new "map".  Guess what she was using?  Her precious little pink New Testament!!  
Over and over I am amazed at how God uses these little things to remind me of Biblical truths.  Little Emily was just playing, but there was so much truth in her actions.  I started remembering Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path".  And Psalm 119:35, "Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it".  God's Word is so rich, full of direction for any aspect of our lives, but of course most importantly, the direction to salvation.  Emily was not shy about telling several people about her map, and although she had no idea of the deep truth she was speaking, it was an encouragement to me to make sure that I am sharing the "Map" too.  I love being taught by the "little" things!!


Anonymous said...

COOL!! Aunt Wina

Anonymous said...

the girl is wise beyond her years!!!!!!