This week has been so busy for us. Yesterday I had so much on my mind and so much to do. I wasn't feeling my best at the beginning of the week (except for the birth of my nephew--yay!!), so I slept in most of the week (which means I slept until one of the girls came into our room, 7:30-ish usually). I normally get up early to spend time in the Word and get prepared for the day. But this week, I was a bit negligent in that area, and I was really feeling it by the time Thursday or Friday came around. In fact, all day Saturday I kept thinking of the Lord and how I had missed time with Him. So then I started thinking, isn't that what hunger is?
When I don't eat I KNOW it. I feel it in my body. I feel it in my mind. I feel it in my emotions. But when I'm hungry, just thinking about food doesn't make me feel better. In fact, I can think all I want about how hungry I am and about the satisfaction that food would bring, but until I actually eat, I am no better off.
Do you ever do the same thing spiritually? All day Saturday I kept thinking about how I had missed time in the Word. I was hungry for it. But no matter how much I thought about missing it, I was no better off until I sat down, dug in, and actually feasted on the riches of God's truth through prayer and study. Maybe this sounds simple, or even silly, but perhaps it happens more often than we realize. The next time you feel hungry for God's Word, make it a priority. When you're hungry, you go to the refrigerator and find food. Spending time with God never fails to satisfy, and He is available 24-7. We desperately need it every day, and in the light of eternity, we need it even more than physical food. Spend time with Him--read the Word, share with God what you are thankful for, what you need and what you feel. It is the most satisfying "meal" you will ever have.