As I sit here and write this morning, I am holding a precious child in my arms. He is growing so quickly, and when I gaze at him, I wonder, "What will he look like when he is bigger? What sorts of things will he like to do? What kind of personality will he have?" I look upon him and I say a silent "thank you" to God for yet another blessing that has been bestowed upon our family.
BLESSING. Do I deserve it? No. Have I earned it? Absolutely not. If God were not so gracious and if He gave me what I deserved, I would have no salvation, let alone all of the other good things in life I have. Even in the midst of any adversity I might face, He graciously gives me strength.
Sometimes we look at things a little backwards, thinking that life is supposed to be filled with great things and that when we come upon hard times, then "it's not fair". I have thought it many times! We have this sense of entitlement, where we think (perhaps even on a sub-conscious level) that we deserve only good. But one thing that encourages me when I do face difficult circumstances is knowing that it is only because of God and His goodness that I am blessed.
I believe in the complete sovereignty of God the Father. However, I also believe that we are not puppets and that He gives us choices. I don't have to "understand" Him to love and trust Him, any more than I have to understand exactly how this writing reaches your computer from mine. Not understanding doesn't keep me from using the internet and writing this blog!
In Isaiah 1:19-20, a choice is offered. It reads, "If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." The Israelites were offered that choice in Deuteronomy 28 too, and God even gave specific blessings and curses that would be received, depending on the choice that was made. For us, salvation is obviously the most important "choice" we can make. But then, after salvation, we still live our lives and must daily decide whether or not we will live out the teachings of Jesus or whether we will be stubborn and live according to our "rights" (Luke 9:23).
Each day, we are faced with making choices of blessing or cursing. To follow Christ (forgiving, showing compassion) leads to blessing. To deny His teachings and follow what "feels right" as humans (harboring anger, refusing to forgive), leads to a life of sorrow and regret. Are there hardships in the "blessed" life? Absolutely. But there is blessing and growth, even in the pain, therefore, the blessed life will even consider adversity rewarding (James 1:2-4). On the other hand, when we (as Christians) choose to walk in our own way, we will only grow in our stubbornness and pride, which brings misery to ourselves and shame to our walk with Christ.
God desires to bless us. He rewards the faithful and brings much life and light to those who are wholly devoted to Him!