Monday, December 14, 2009

My Favorite 5-year Old

Emily turned 5 yesterday!

We celebrated by having a party/sleepover for her little friends, and it was fun! I did spend all day Saturday cleaning while Emily pretty much just laid around in her pj's the whole time (because, as she said, it was a "hard party"). Yeah, she was pretty tired!

Emily is such a sensitive soul. You know, like when she is about to get in trouble, all I really have to do is just give her a look. To raise my voice at her is never necessary, and when I have done that, it tears her up! She is our little drama queen, which can sometimes be really funny, but sometimes drive me crazy!!! She's a very funny child, and has a very silly, imaginative sense of humor. She is so much fun to be around (and really just to watch when she doesn't know you're looking)!

You know, I had a miscarriage two months before I got pregnant with Emily. I was so saddened by that, and I certainly look forward to seeing that child one day. But God can bring good from any situation, and I believe that Emily is the good that came from that. I can't imagine my life, or our family, without her! She is truly a light, and is a very insightful, loving child.

Happy Birthday sweet Emily!!


mom said...

I can't imagine life without her either! She is one of a kind... (in a good way)!!!

Unknown said...

She is a cutie! Adorable cake too!