Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the internet in general; I believe I can safely declare that it has changed our culture!
For instance, anyone can sign up for a blog or create an account with any of the above mentioned outlets and Voila! they are published on the web (in a restricted sense, albeit, but still published) for all the world to see.
We see people at their best and people at their worst We see real life and not so real life. We see nonsense and things that actually make a lot of sense. But the point is that we see.
I'm not opposed to this necessarily, because when these types of media are used properly and with care, they can be very helpful and really fun!
But I do believe that this new norm has brought out in us a very old problem, which is that it opens up a whole new horizon of comparison. I can go to any blog of any other homeschool mom like me, and read her writings and see her pictures and then log off wondering why I'm not as creative or as organized or as hip or as spiritual as she is. Been there?
OR...I could get on someone else's blog or see a Facebook post and log off thinking how much more creative or more organized or more hip or more spiritual that I am than they! Been there?
When we compare ourselves with others,
we often times place ourselves either as superior or inferior to that person.
Both of those places are located on a very slippery slope, and I would even call it, well...sin. My identity should be found solely in my life as a redeemed child of God. (I hope to write more about that soon.)
I haven't updated this blog in a long time for various reasons. But I have a great desire to encourage people in the Lord; people like me who struggle daily in the battle against sin and want to grow in Christ. I would like to share what works for our family in the realm of raising kids and homeschooling them. I would also like to share practical things like recipes, because I have benefited greatly from such things online!
What I DON'T want to do is give the impression that my homeschool is perfectly organized and that I have great meals prepared every day. Just the thought of that makes me chuckle!!
Also, I don't have a really awesome camera that takes cool pictures with blurry backgrounds, so you won't see a lot of that here.
I don't have a knack for crafts, and I'm not all that tech savvy.
BUT, out of all the spaces on this big giant web, this little space is one that I pray will be used to point you to Christ. We are here on this earth to honor Him, and it is my joy to do so, even in my imperfection.
My prayer is that you will be blessed and encouraged when you leave this small corner of the web.
Thanks for visiting! :)
1 comment :
Thanks for being real!! I loved it! And I love you!
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